Sunday, July 17, 2011

New arrivals

Well, there's not much happening in the Birdroom at the moment. It's the calm before the storm before the seasonal handraised birds begin, though i do have a few lorikeets and conures in at the moment. Tango the sun conure is still with us, though he's been smooching up to customers lately and it's only a matter of time before one can't leave without him ;)

We've got a new Cinnamon greencheek conure too, nameless of of yet!

And there's a couple of little lorikeets, cheeky little monkeys, Spick and Specks!

They're full of life, and keeping me busy :)

Wanted to take a moment to thank all my customers, not just those who are buying big expensive handraised birds, but everyone. Thanks for listening to all my rambles about enrichment and nutrition, and hopefully some of what I babble on about sticks :P

Monday, July 4, 2011

Bye Foxy!

Well, my little man Foxtrot has gone off to his new home today! In fact, he's going to share his time with two owners and their greencheek conure, whom I sold to them a few months back, Connie. So he'll have a lot of love and attention, which I know he'll love!

Everyone else in the Birdroom is going well. Tango is still with us and hangs out with me most afternoons on my shoulder as I zoom around the shop, trying to get his confidence in new situations up a bit more.

I've also managed to break my camera - ironically while I brought it to work to take more happy snaps of the feathered kids, so it'll be a little while until I can find a replacement and get more pics up. Bear with me in the meantime!