There's been some new friends, some goodbyes, and some old faces this past week in the Birdroom. Princess, is still with us and she is still trying to befriend every bird who comes into the Birdroom - with the exception of the Green Cheek Conures, who try to intimidate everyone!


Princess watches a young olive Musk Lorikeet eating his morning nectar mix...

"Now this is quite tasty."

"It's okay, I was finished with that." Little Musk has gone to his new home, where he doesn't have to share his brekfast with a pushy Princess!

Princess is lovely girl. Though, for a handraised bird, she is independent, she has a charm all her own. She won't approach people for company often, preferring to do her own thing; it's amazing to observe her antics and intelligence, seeing her investigate every little thing.

Princess with the Lutino Scaly. She too has just gone to her new home, where she has a male who'll hopefully become her mate - she's been a breeding before before she came to the Birdroom so I think the family life will suit her!

This is Pearl, a handraised year-old cockatiel. She has a lovely nature, as soon as anybody comes near her, down goes the head, asking for a scratch!

Pearl with a young Galah, who is just as fond of a scratch!

"Food tastes so much better if you stand in it."

And this is Rio, a baby blue Quaker with a very endearing personality.
Rio - he knows he's handsome!

Rio's new best friend, Buba - who lost his foot as a young chick after his parents brought some nesting material into the ox which wrapped around his foot. He gets along incredibly well, using his leg as a prop, stepping up, climbing, and playing. All the while, he's so content with his little world. He and Rio were fast friends within minutes of being introduced, snuggling and preening together.

Few things are as incredible to witness is two new best buddies bonding.

Rio and Buba, underneath the tent Buba's breeder made especially for him to sleep in!

"Oh yeah? Is this what we are?"
In sadder news, Alex the Alexandrine had become very unhappy as the store bird and was beginning to develop some bad habits - lunging and biting at staff and customers. After two weeks of everyone working with him trying to see some improvement, the decision was made to sell him. I think he's going to be a lot happier with the one-on-one, stable attention he'll get from his new owners. While everyone misses him very much, me included, the last thing I wanted was to see Alex so unhappy with the situation he continued to lash out at everyone. Another goodbye to another special bird... Alex, we will miss you a great deal.