I know, it's been an age! Been busy with both work and life, but I'm going to start sneaking in my camera to work, and updated a bit more regularly!
So, here's a few of my current Bird residents:
A cute budgie!
Scaly and a musk lorikeet

Lutino (yellow) Scaly lorikeet
Kakariki group - from left to right: Cinnamon red-crowned pied, normal red-crowned pied, normal yellow-crowned pied, normal red-crowned.
Yellow-crowned pied hen ready to launch off the perch.
Red-crowned pied male showing off!

Tiel group from left to right: cinnamon pearl, cinnamon pied, whiteface pied, and two cinnamon whiteface pieds.
Two whiteface cinnamon pieds cuddling on the swing!
I've just gotten a bunch of new handraised birds in, so I'm going to have a big photo session, keep your eyes out!
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