Olive has gone to her new home since these were taken. Also off to new homes are Mo the Moustache, Ruby the Alexandrine, Ollie the Sun Conure, Trouble the Green Cheek, and the baby Galah. Ollie and trouble are both going to homes who already have a Sun and Green Cheek, so they will both have bird and human company!
Monday, October 31, 2011
Lorikeets are silly...
Olive has gone to her new home since these were taken. Also off to new homes are Mo the Moustache, Ruby the Alexandrine, Ollie the Sun Conure, Trouble the Green Cheek, and the baby Galah. Ollie and trouble are both going to homes who already have a Sun and Green Cheek, so they will both have bird and human company!
Monday, October 24, 2011
Bye Noisy Nandays

A goodbye today to my Noisy Nandays - the conure pair that have been in the Birdroom for some time. They've gone to their new home today, with a massive aviary and very importantly, a huge property with no close neighbors to annoy with their screaming! These two had the loveliest nature imaginable for aviary birds. I caught them by hand and though they were nervous, their gentle little nibbles at my fingers were amazing for a bird that would usually be gnawing your fingers off! They always came over to accept a sunflower seed or a piece of fruit by hand, and spent most of their time hanging on the front of their cage, squawking at the customers that admired them!
Best of luck to my two big guys - I bet they'll be having beautiful babies soon! I will miss pulling into the carpark and hearing a distant scream I know came from them!
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Jazz and Jeebie.
Lani and Olive.
All four clowning around.
Down to three...
And here's Lani, lying on her side while playing!
'Nope - I think this is loaded'
Then there's the conures. From the Green Cheek trio, little baby Triss sold quickly, and just after that Copper the pineapple Green Cheek arrived. He and Trinity took a shine to one another that day, and were content to make friends. Trouble, however, thought he had to protect his sister and chased Copper whenever he could, nipping and bullying him. I kept Copper separate from the siblings that night - then, the next day, Trouble watched Trin acting friendly with him, and just followed suit! Now, though Copper still prefers Trinity, he and Trouble get along well too, and they've been moved to the same cage.
Friends from the start - Trinity and Copper.
Now everyone is best friends!
Copper is now confident enough with Trouble, he wants to share his food!
Waving hi!
Stately lady Red watches Trouble having a bath!
The Green Cheeks are watched by Ollie the Sun Conure, who wants to make friends but is too scared of the pushy little Green Cheeks!
Two new kids this week!
Little moustache parrot!
And a quick snapshot of a still-nervous baby Galah... don't get attached, he's likely going to his new home tomorrow!
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Hello Ollie, Goodbye to Georgie and Jade...
Sad goodbyes today - my big gorgeous girl Georgie went off to her new home. She'll get lots of attention and love, I know, but I will miss seeing that big yellow crest shoot up. She certainly kept everyone - staff, customers, and I like to think even the other birds - laughing with her antics!
Jade the young Alexandrine was sold today too. Ruby is doing well in her absence, and showing no signs of fretting. Alexes tend to be more independent for the most part, unlike some Loris and Conures that really acclimatize to cagemates and don't like being split up.
Got another new boy in - Ollie the Sun Conure. So far he is settling well, he came out for a short playtime in the afternoon when most of the other birds were back in their cages. He approached a couple of customers and had some cuddles, so I was pleased with his outgoing persona. So far he's living separately to Red and Mango - we'll see how they go in the next few days at playtime. While previous Sunnies I've had have all lived peacefully in the same cage (These guys spring to mind) I tend to suspect Mango might be a bit jealous of Ollie and be snappy with him over Red, though I think she'll be fine with him. Still, we shall see!
Ollie the Sun Conure.
While on the topic, here's one of Mango and Red at lunchtime!
Deviating to a new breed - here's the Green Cheek Conures, Trouble and Trinity, snuggling and dozy after a bath!
Trouble - laying claim to the entire water bowl, thankyou very much!
I got some good photos of Copper, the new Pineapple Green Cheek, today as well.
This one has to be my favourite - this is him faceplanting off a two-centermete-high toy :P Silly boy!
Snackability test!
On to the Lorikeets! I named the Lutino Red Collar Lani, which is Hawaiian for 'sky'.
Contagious grooming session; one begins, they all start!
During a moment Trouble didn't have the bowl staked out, Ruby takes a swim!
Last week I redecorated the Birdroom wall - the powers that be decided my old posters were too tired and old... so I found some shiny new ones!
That's all for tonight. Hope everyone had a great weekend, and you and your birds have a great week ahead!
Thursday, October 13, 2011
One Outstanding Lorikeet
Another busy day in the birdroom! We got our Red Collar, and the pineapple Green Cheek, though I didn't get a good photo of the latter. But here's the very handsome Red Collar girl!
Gorgeous girl that she is!
Here she tries to convince Jazz to be friends...
But it's fiesty little Olive who takes the biggest shine to her; it's possible he met her as a younger bird as they came from the same breeder.
She and Olive certianly had fun wrestling, with Olive on his back and letting the Red Collar chew on his ankles!
Speaking of Olive, here he is demolishing a stick bit by bit!
Olive, Jeebie and Jazz during playtime.
Alex with his 'fan club', little girls Ruby and Jade!
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
More on the new kids
Another new arrival for today - Jazz the Rainbow Lorikeet, a slim speedy little guy with a lot of style!
Handsome little scrapper, isn't he?
He hit it off immediately with Olive and Jeebie, who were happy to see a Rainbow - they were handraised with them and are used to them :) Hoping all three will like the Lutino Red-Collar who's arriving tomorrow, and have a big happy Lorikeet flock!
Graceful girl Red the Sun Conure does a lovely 'split' while taking a drink!
One of the most endearing sights in the world - baby alex faces!
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Busy busy busy in the Birdroom this week - and we're only two days in! Yesterday I got in two baby Alexandrines and two Sun Conures, and today it was seven handraised cockatiels! Penciled in for Thursday are a pineapple Green Cheek Conure (The Trio are going to have their beaks out of joint!) and a Lutino Red Collar - never seen one of those 'in the feathers' so I'm obviously very excited. Her breeder is also bringing me a visitor - she's handraising a Moluccan cockatoo! I've never met one before, since I typically only get Sulfur Crests like Georgie in the Birdroom, so that's another exciting event :D
Anyway... to the photos! The new kids have settled down really well, everyone is playing nicely... save for the Green Cheek Conure Trio who are really pushy, and Georgie who thinks it's beneath her to share her playstands with these "lesser" birds! Such a prima donna our Georgie girl is!
We have a fairwell; little Kaki boy has gone to his new home today, and I know he will settle in nicely and be kind of the place in no time! Here he is, waving goodbye :D
Big four year old boy, Mango, is up the top - he isn't handraised, but likes exploring. His girlfriend, eight month Red, is below him. They spent most of playtime lurking between the cages here, hiding out from the other birds!
Big boy Mango screams a warning at a cheeky Green Cheek. Georgie feigns disinterest in the background!
The Trio of Trouble - three Green Cheeks! There's Trinity, the middle child, little Triss, the sweet baby, and Trouble - the big tough monster :D
Triss tries to entice Trin into grooming her!
"Oh... I suppose!"
Olive and Jeebie are still living large and best buddies, aside from the occasional screaming match!
"This looks like a good toy!" Olive decides one of the baby Alexes is there to become his personal chew toy. The baby, for her part, didn't mind at all!
Here's the two babies - I suspect two hens, but it is hard to tell at ten weeks old - they are Alexandrines, Jade and Ruby seemed fitting names!
The girls took one look at Alex and went 'DAAADEEEEE!" They were so thrilled, they began begging food from him, chirpping avidly (Incidentally the baby Alex call is one of my favourite sounds ever!) and bobbing their heads, trying to be enticing. Alex was HORRIFIED. "Who are these scruffy little monsters who seem to be stalking me?"
Alex lunges at the kids to tell them to back off. (He wasn't going to bite at all, just warning them off).
Jade and Ruby aren't fooled - they know Alex is all bark. Bob bob bob go their little heads, chirp chirp please feed us, kind sir! They followed him all over the playstands while he tried to aviod them... what a crack up these guys are!