Lani hanging around.
Lani playing with her feet. Don't ask me... it's a Lorikeet thing!
Jeebie sold last week, leaving the Birdroom very quiet with only two remaining lorikeets - Lani of course, and silly clown Jazz the Rainbow. Though Jazz was always Jeebie's special buddy, he and Lani always got along well and with only each other, are having lengthy Lorikeet Wrestle sessions - many of them take place on the floor of Mango's cage, much to the Sun Conure's disgust. Despite his unfriendliness towards the loris, he isn't game enough to do anything about it and will usual sulk, glaring, from the top of his food bowl while the Lorikeets take over the cage floor.
Also got some interesting news back on Olive, the little Scaly Lorikeet who made up the foursome pictures so frequently in the last few posts. His new owner DNA tested him and despite his shy nature that may have suggested being a female - he's a he!
In Conure news, though Red and Mango are still with us and living large...
Little Green Cheek Trinity, the hen and middle child of the trio, went to her new home yesterday. I miss her more than I thought I would after so many goodbyes. She had such a sweet nature and I did so love coming to her cage in the mornings and having her climbing the walls in her impatience to be let out. Copper is our only remaining Green Cheek for now and has turned to people, both staff and customers, for affection. Gone is that naughty nature - he's on his best behavior to get as many cuddles as he can con!
Trinity leaning enticingly towards me, with Copper scrambling to catch up.
Copper grooming, my last cheeky little Green Cheek/ money - for now, at least!
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