One of the Alexandrines has sold, but Lani and Jazz are still around and living large, as always. I got two Green Cheek Conures in yesterday but I am pretty certain when they go up for sale tomorrow they will go right away, so we won't get time to get to know them well. They are, incidentally, the younger siblings to Trouble, Triss and Trinity, our last trio of Green Cheeks. Every bit as lovely, too, though they are not quite as cheeky as Trouble was!
The new kids
Lani and Jazz, (Lutino Red Collar and Rainbow Lorikeets)
Lani playing Queen of the Castle. Notice Jazz down lower...
But not for long! I had to laugh :)
An update from an old friend - one of June's Sun Conures, Foxy, came in to visit on Sunday with his very beloved Green Cheek Conure best friend. Foxy has coloured up into a brilliant little bird, and is every bit as friendly as he always was.
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