Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year from the Birdroom!

Well, handraised birds are flying in and out of the Birdroom this past week. Princess has had one of the longest stays so far, both Green Cheeks and lorikeets from the last post have been sold. As well as that, Mango the Sun Conure has gone to his new home, where he'll be a breeding boy as soon as a girlfriend is found for him. Very happy he has found a new home!

So, let me introduce you to the new kids!

This Lutino (yellow) Scaly was an aviary bird, but I'm working with her, trying to get her used to handling so she can be sold as a semi-tame bird. So far so good, she's not biting, and while she is flightly, she accepts a head scratch and will sit on my shoulder. The regular Scaly on the left is a younger sibling to Heebie and Jeebie from previous posts, whom I've called Chopper because he sounds like a little helicopter when he flies! Princess, nosy as ever, is in the center.

Here's the same three with the Grey Cockatiel, Mango the Sun Conure on his last day, and in the air, flying towards me with the camera, is little Sun Conure, Mango Junior. He went home yesterday, and what a lovely little guy he will be for his new family!

Mango... how tasty are these human things?

"Perfect Conure Camouflage!" Mango Junior flew over while I was preparing the Birdroom's lunch and started helping himself, cheeky little monster!

"Share? Share?" Princess begs a corn kernel off of Mango Junior.

Chopper, upside down!

Princess showing off a feather to Chopper.

Princess trying to befriend the Lutino Scaly.

Princess trying to befriend a slightly bemused Grey cockatiel, who just can't figure out this pushy green bird!

Last up today - this is a young Pied Sun Conure a local breeder of mine showed to me! We're not buying her (Sadly - she's beautiful!) but she is a beautiful bird.

So, that's the new kids! From me and the Birdroom, hope you and your pets have a great
New Year's Eve. Please make sure all your pets are safe tonight for the fireworks :)

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Busy Christmas!

Hey everyone! Well, it's been a busy Christmas in the Birdroom, as usual! Though since I had a three-day weekend, I shouldn't complain! Many birds have gone to new homes, the young Alex, both Green Cheek Conures, DJ the cockatoo, and both Lorikeets. We still have the Princess from last week and also Mango, the sun conure. He's been making a little bit of progress as I work with him, though he's still hand phobic, once toweled he will sit on me for a while and in now accepting head scratches! Hopefully he'll continue to improve.

Here's some photos!

Cinnamon Green Cheek (Left) and Yellow-sided (Right) Green Cheek Conures.

"Aren't we cute?"

Princess and young Alex - Princess is very friendly and boldly marches up to anyone, even bigger birds, demanding they love her!

"Yum... metal?"

There are a few new birds arriving this week. Three Pineapple Green Cheek Conures, and today we got a Scaly Lorikeet. As always, more photos soon.

Hope everybody is having a safe and happy holidays, even if you don't get much time off! Please remember to keep birds and other pets safe during the New Year's Eve fireworks :)
Take care all!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Busy Holiday Season

Well, things are in full swing at this time of year! Townsville pets must be very spoiled, I'm sure there will be a fair few presents for our four-legged and feathered family members under the tree this year! Not that I can talk... all of my birds get presents, not to mention Sage the cat, Zeke the dog, and the four bearded dragons...

Newcomers that came in late last week include DJ, a three-year-old attitude-filled cockatoo.

He's a fantastic talker, very clear, with a huge repertoire of words. When dropped off at the airport on his way to Townsville, he yelled out 'MUMMY' as my supplier was walking away from him, turning quite a few heads I'm told! But he's quite nippy and it's slow progress as I work with him trying to build his trust and teach him who is really in charge, since currently - he thinks he is king of the world!

Here is the new Princess Parrot, whom I think is a little boy. He's very chatty, likes to chatter and whistle away to himself.

And some news both good and a little sad - after several weeks with us, Lani the Lutino Lorikeet and Jazz the Rainbow Lorikeet went to their new homes last week. Jazz is back with his old buddy Jeebie, the Scaley lorikeet - I saw photos of them together, snuggling, preening, obviously very content! Lani was overdue for her new home, having been with us the longest, but how I will miss those welcoming squawks when I come into the Birdroom first thing in the morning - and as for the antics she and Jazz got up to together, there was never a dull moment between the two of them! Lani was special to me for another reason - her breeder passed away recently, and she was the very last handraised bird I purchased from he and his family. Nearly all of my lorikeets and around half of the Sun Conures seen over the course of this blog were his birds, and unfailingly happy, healthy and well raised birds they all were. Every time I see one of his birds brought in to visit me, or shown in a photograph, I will remember the effort and love he put into his birds. Finally, I'm expecting a few new arrivals on Thursday. Two Green Cheek Conures, one cinnamon, one yellow sided, plus a Rainbow and a Red Collar Lorikeet. Photos and updates when they arrive!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Back from holidays!

Yup, had a whole week and a half off work! My own birds were delighted, much as I missed the fathered kids at work.

One of the Alexandrines has sold, but Lani and Jazz are still around and living large, as always. I got two Green Cheek Conures in yesterday but I am pretty certain when they go up for sale tomorrow they will go right away, so we won't get time to get to know them well. They are, incidentally, the younger siblings to Trouble, Triss and Trinity, our last trio of Green Cheeks. Every bit as lovely, too, though they are not quite as cheeky as Trouble was!

The new kids

Lani and Jazz, (Lutino Red Collar and Rainbow Lorikeets)

Lani playing Queen of the Castle. Notice Jazz down lower...

But not for long! I had to laugh :)

An update from an old friend - one of June's Sun Conures, Foxy, came in to visit on Sunday with his very beloved Green Cheek Conure best friend. Foxy has coloured up into a brilliant little bird, and is every bit as friendly as he always was.