Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year from the Birdroom!

Well, handraised birds are flying in and out of the Birdroom this past week. Princess has had one of the longest stays so far, both Green Cheeks and lorikeets from the last post have been sold. As well as that, Mango the Sun Conure has gone to his new home, where he'll be a breeding boy as soon as a girlfriend is found for him. Very happy he has found a new home!

So, let me introduce you to the new kids!

This Lutino (yellow) Scaly was an aviary bird, but I'm working with her, trying to get her used to handling so she can be sold as a semi-tame bird. So far so good, she's not biting, and while she is flightly, she accepts a head scratch and will sit on my shoulder. The regular Scaly on the left is a younger sibling to Heebie and Jeebie from previous posts, whom I've called Chopper because he sounds like a little helicopter when he flies! Princess, nosy as ever, is in the center.

Here's the same three with the Grey Cockatiel, Mango the Sun Conure on his last day, and in the air, flying towards me with the camera, is little Sun Conure, Mango Junior. He went home yesterday, and what a lovely little guy he will be for his new family!

Mango... how tasty are these human things?

"Perfect Conure Camouflage!" Mango Junior flew over while I was preparing the Birdroom's lunch and started helping himself, cheeky little monster!

"Share? Share?" Princess begs a corn kernel off of Mango Junior.

Chopper, upside down!

Princess showing off a feather to Chopper.

Princess trying to befriend the Lutino Scaly.

Princess trying to befriend a slightly bemused Grey cockatiel, who just can't figure out this pushy green bird!

Last up today - this is a young Pied Sun Conure a local breeder of mine showed to me! We're not buying her (Sadly - she's beautiful!) but she is a beautiful bird.

So, that's the new kids! From me and the Birdroom, hope you and your pets have a great
New Year's Eve. Please make sure all your pets are safe tonight for the fireworks :)

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