Saturday, January 28, 2012

A few more Photos...

Business as usual in the Birdroom. The Green Cheek Conure trio get bossier by the day - if not by the hour - and are trying to boss everyone else. Princess has the common sense to keep away from them, but the Galah and Rio and Buba the blue Quakers don't see why they ought to knuckle down under these colourful yet pushy little monsters! Buba is getting around well with his one foot - he's incredible, he just keeps trying until he gets to where he wants to go!

Buba and Rio!

Princess, Queen of her castle!

She's such a little showoff.

And here's the bossyboots themselves, Pineapple Green Cheek Conures, as large as life as ever.

The baby Galah tries to follow in Princess' footsteps but he's not quite as sure of said steps yet!

And this is Bob, the newest addition, a female Rainbow Lorikeet. She was called Bob before her owner knew she was a boy. What a character... so much energy she quite literally bounces off walls!

Yet another show-off for the Birdroom!

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